Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Special day

Today is a special day for my little Cindy, I just finished a new version for Photobie, which includes a set of cutomizable brushes. I also enhanced the enbedded filters to handle transparent colors. It is 3:40am, I am ready to celebrate tonight!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

I did it!

Hi, guys,

As I promised, Photobie now can support Photoshop filter plugins (.8bf files).
Yes, it's not easy work, I still have lot to do for some bug fixing. However, most plugins works quite well. As you can image how excited I am now, there are thousands of such fantastic free plugins out there, now I can apply all sorts of effect on my images.


My friends, please do let me know if you discovered some real good filter plugins. Let me enjoy it.

What next?

Hmmmmm maybe flash editor? ....... I know it is not easy. But I really want to make a flash movie for my daughter with my own software ... I gonna try it by all means.

Check out Photobie 2.8 and enjoy!
